Eleanor “Ranger” Hamilton, Ph. D., Psychologist / Sex Therapist, Portland, Oregon
Born in 1909, Dr. Hamilton pioneered the field of sex therapy in the 1930’s. Her numerous books and magazine articles revolutionized bedrooms throughout the US in the 1950’s. Ranger offers a broad understanding of the 1960’s “total movement” that altered perspectives about roles, gender and personal responsibility for the remainder of the century. She enjoys her homes in Portland and Nova Scotia, accompanied by her dog, Breton.
Joani Blank, MPH, Sex Educator / Author / Entrepreneur / Philanthropist, San Francisco, California
Joani Blank is the founder of “Good Vibrations” the original “female friendly” sex toy business in the 1970’s. Her background in public health, coupled with a desire to help others enhance their sex lives, led to her hugely successful business. Multitalented, socially conscious and frenetic, Joani continues to write, teach, produce, and contribute to the lives of many both locally and globally.
Amika Sergejev, 26, Midwife / mother of three, Portland, Oregon
Born and raised in California- to Joani Blank (see above), Amika sometimes believes she is alone, fanning the flames of the feminist movement while balancing children, relationships and career. Though still relatively new to this juggling act, Amika has some profound insights into the direction and misdirection she and her contemporaries have taken in their pursuit of Pleasure, appreciating that a woman’s incredible body is also her playground.
Sue William Silverman, MFA, Author / Poet / Recovered Sex Addict, Grand Haven, Michigan
Overcoming the emotional scars of incest and the carnage of her life after sex addiction, Sue drew strength and comfort from her writing and lecturing. Her iambic pentameter on intimacy, consumerism, emotional authenticity and spirituality give pause to even the most cynical among us.
Kate Frank, Ph. D., Sociologist / Author / Former Stripper, Washington, DC
As a college professor and author, Dr. Frank lectures students about the complexities of relationships, gender and sexual expression. Her current research explores the relations between sexual activity and the meanings of love, intimacy, and commitment for modern married couples. Dr. Frank is interested in how personal and negotiated definitions of intimacy and commitment interact with sexual exclusivity. A feminist sociologist with experiences as an exotic dancer, Kate dares to go where others only fantasize.
Kristin Keefe, M. D., Gynecologist / Humanitarian, Boston, MA
A day in the life of this rare human being would be just too exhausting for mere mortals: juggling numerous responsibilities including being a soccer mom, wife, surgeon, teacher, daughter, mentor, friend, holistic health advocate, and globetrotting humanitarian for Medicine for Humanity. In just 8 minutes you’ll be amazed and transformed by Kristin’s zest for life.
Cheryl Kane, R.N., HealthCare for the Homeless Nurse / Former religious sister, Boston, MA
American clergy and lay Catholics struggled with the ambiguities of freedom wrought by societal changes during the 1960’s and 70’s. Sister Cheryl unraveled the knots that kept her loosely tethered to religious life, making the difficult decision to leave the sisterhood and pursue another course at midlife. Cheryl’s passion for all things life affirming shapes her attitudes, beliefs and behaviors in the secular world. A glimpse into Cheryl’s world refines one’s appreciation for pleasure derived from serving others and being part of something larger than oneself.